Do not kill players on sight ( KOS ) or inflict any type of damage unless you are in a designated pvp zone .
Exploits, glitches, scripts and cheats of any kind will not be tolerated.
If you build next to or within shooting range of a pvp monument, you may not shoot players in designated pvp areas from your base
If you choose to build there expect to be in PVP scenarios frequently, but not from in or on your base.
No landmines or beartraps allowed in the wild.
Turrets placed or hidden with the intention of killing unsuspecting players will be MLRS'd at admin discretionn"
You cannot wall off, or block out any monuments.
Targeted harassment is not allowed. This encompasses harassment via general chat, voice, and/or repeat raiding in quick succession.
Any server events must be approved by management.

This is on a case by case basis and the burden of proof is on the streamer. The streamer must also be using every measure possible to prevent stream sniping (streamer mode/map overlay/chat off/etc.) in order for us to entertain a report.
We will not sit in a stream for hours nor will we spectate the accused.
We do reserve the right to ban because it's a shitty thing to do.

You may not engage in any activity considered raiding without your own fully upgraded base.
You may not raid or counter-raid with anyone outside of your green dot team.
Players building within 50 meters of an established base may be considered raiders and at the occupants' discretion, rendered hostile and killed on sight.
If it is obvious a player violating this rule is brand new, and seemingly unaware, we ask players to attempt a non-violent resolution or reach out to staff
MLRS is to be used for raiding purposes only
Twig Building Pieces
New bases featuring twig foundations/walls and/or roof access may not be broken. New players in the process of building should be left alone.
Any twig left on your base that is not upgraded to a higher tier after you have logged off may be broken to deter abuse of this rule.
Raid Initiation
Players that appear to be scouting may not be killed on sight.
Players starting a raid may not kill any players on sight until they are at the target location with raiding materials in-hand.
Only when base occupants can positively identify that players in the area have raiding materials in-hand and are going to raid them, may they engage those players.
Active Raids
Active raids may be sealed, however, any seals must be removed after the raid has finished. Players are expected to be able to reclaim their base after a raid.
Any tool cupboards placed during a raid may not be sealed, and must be accessible
You may not place seals to intentionally grieve the base
All seals placed during a raid must be removed once finished, bases must be able to be reclaimed by the original owners.
Raiders may be killed on sight until the raid loot is secured in their base. Raid bases do not count as secured.
Raiders may not intentionally de-spawn loot in any base that is not a heavily fortified compound.
Tool Cupboards and/or bases built with the sole purpose of disturbing or grieving a rival team or player(s), without raiding, may be removed after 24 hours

We are a 6 player team limit server
The max team limit on this server is strictly 6. Your numbers combined cannot be more than 6 members online/offline. This includes wedding rings.
Anyone you create a team and/or authorize on tool cupboards with, will be considered your teammate.
You may not remove or exchange players throughout the wipe. Once you have picked your teammates you are stuck with them for the remainder of the wipe.
You cannot give loot away to any one person.
Inside raiding teammates/sharing codes with players outside of your team is not allowed.
If you are wanting to make any changes regarding your team or locks, please submit a team swap ticket.
You may run monuments with allies, however, you cannot exceed the 6 player limit at any time and must remain in your original green dot teams while doing so.
Alliances are technically allowed but players who choose to ally with others must be built at least 1 full square apart from each other's bases to prevent zerg-like behavior, and may not exceed the 6 player limit.

Holiday/themed dungeons are only regarded as a PvP zone inside of the portal.
Patrol heli debris field.
Underground train tunnels.
Supply signal/air drop crates once they are visible.
Players that secure the loot from a heli crash site crate or air drop may be shot on sight, within reason, until the loot is secured in their base.
to see the areas authorized for PvP click here
Supply Signals / Airdrops
Do not throw them at unsuspecting players and call it a PVP zone.
Also, if you are caught throwing a supply signal and camping the area indefinitely to abuse players who are unaware, that is a rule violation.
Stay Off My Lawn
If you attempt to steal/damage someone else's property, do so carefully as they may defend, however you may not shoot back.
SAM sites and turrets are included in this rule

Solo Players
Solo players whose base doors utilize key locks may only raid other key-locked bases.
Solo players wishing to raid larger groups must use code locks, but are not permitted
to switch back to key locks once they switch to code lock.
Players who use code locks on their base doors may only raid other bases that use code locks.
Groups of 2 or more may only use code locked doors.
When countering, if you find that the group or solo that is raiding does not share your weight class, you are to disengage. The first kill is fair game. Any subsequent kills are considered KOS .
Alliances cannot be called to help counter, defend, or raid other teams/solos.
SAM sites and turrets are exempt from weight class rules, but are subject to the "stay off my lawn" rule.
Bases built within monument PvP zones are exempt from weight class rules .
Bases that are visibly decayed lose their weight class exemption.
Compounds are considered an extension of your base and must adhere by your weight class.
Any compounds found in violation may be deleted at any time, without warning, at an admin's discretion